1548 Seminola Blvd., Suite 120
Casselberry, FL 32708
ph: 407-579-5292
Check out doTerra's Autumn Recipes. https://www.doterra.com/US/en/blog/autumn-recipes-with-your-favorite-essential-oils
I am always available to discuss or answer questions.
The Madacasgar Vanilla and the Tangerine essential oils are now amonth my absolute favorite for mixing in with some of my Yogi Teas and the Bio-coffee that I drink or any coffee that has hot milk in it! Make your own Espresso with the foam on top, delicious! Be creative!
Or diffuse for an uplifting aroma to put you in the holiday spirit!
A couple of other diffuser blends that are nice for the Christmas season are:
1) Seasonal Twist:
4 drops of On Guard
3 drops of Siberian Fir
and 2 drops of Spearmint
2) Winter Wellness:
4 drops of Eucalyptus
3 drops of Siberian Fir
2 drops of Spearmint
3) Recharge & Rejuvenate
3 drops of Siberian Fir
and 3 drops of Lavendar
If your diffuser is a larger one than and not small, double the drops of each oil...
Don't forget the OnGuard Line of Essential Oils as they help with your immune system and much more!